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The reason for its deliciousness

Nagoya Cochin is known as one of the three great local chickens in Japan, alongside Hinai Jidori and Satsuma Jidori.
Among them, the "Purebred Nagoya Cochin" is a rare chicken that has maintained 100% purebredness. It takes time and effort to breed and raise, and is known as a premium food ingredient.
Known as the king of local chickens, it has lean meat with just the right amount of fragrant fat and a firm texture. The more you chew it, the more rich the flavor spreads in your mouth.
To bring out the best in this dish, we use rice oil and seafood stock that is familiar to Japanese people and is full of umami.

About Purebred Nagoya Cochin

Special attention to cooking method

At Hareno Dining, we use the latest freezing technology instead of pre-packaged foods to bring out the flavor of the ingredients.
This allows us to serve the food at its best flavor.

Complete food waste caused by e-commerce monopoly

Hareno Dining's freezing technology and e-commerce-only approach aims to reduce food waste to the utmost.
We strive to provide fresh ingredients, reduce the burden on the environment, and contribute to sustainable food production and consumption.

Add beauty and color to your dining table

At Hareno Dining, we also place great importance on beauty and color in our cuisine.

We believe that food should be pleasing to the eye, and we serve dishes that bring happiness and beauty to the table. In this way, we respect Japanese ingredients and culture, and our mission is to promote food culture and provide special dining experiences.



Dec 18, 2024


ハレノダイニングは、2024年12月より、愛知県岩倉市のふるさと納税返礼品として「ジャパンプレミアカレー純系名古屋コーチン」4食セットの提供を開始します。 販売場所は以下となります。 【ふるさとチョイス】https://www.fur...

Dec 1, 2024


日頃より当店『ハレノダイニング』をご利用いただきまして、ありがとうございます。年末年始期間中のご注文及び出庫スケジュールのご案内をさせていただきます。■ 年内最終出庫日2024年12月28日(土)午前10時までの注文完了分■ 年...

Jun 30, 2024

Hareno Dining was featured on Infoseek News.

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